Monday, 8 July 2013

London sunshine.

So first things first, apologies in advance for the terrible photo quality I'm about to post but I have nobody to help me to take photos at the moment and only my phone and laptop! So bear with me, my sister said I can use her SLR camera but I have to wait to go back to Liverpool to get it :)

The weather in London this week has been amazing but I've been on placement and had an essay deadline so haven't really been able to enjoy it- until this afternoon :) I have a day off tomorrow so hopefully going to lounge in the sun all day doing absolutely nothing - that's the plan anyway! Here's what I wore today :)

Rolling stones crop top - Primark
Levi denim cut offs - Via ebay
Flatforms - Miss Selfridge via ebay
Canvas bag - Primark

This outfit is very simple and was thrown together in about ten minutes this morning as I was rushing to get to university to finish my essay - which I finished woohooo - I love this crop top and how I can wear it with skirts, shorts or my dungarees, it goes with everything! Last summer I went through a phase of wearing these shorts pretty much everyday and I haven't worn them at all lately, they will probably be making a comeback over the summer :) 

Just a quick post today, thanks for reading! And again sorry for the rubbish photo!
Hope everybody is enjoying the sunshineeee

Toni x


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks sophieee, took this while you were peeing .... xxx

  2. love the shorts and good luck with all your uni stuff! x

  3. great shorts, love them :) well done for your essay, I know it's hard to study in this weather...

    Holly xoxo

  4. nice look,love denim shorts! :)

    1. me too! so simple to throw on :D thankyou :)
