Monday, 22 July 2013

Liebster award!

Oooh how exciting! The lovely Alanna nominated me for the Leibster award which is an award for up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers (I love all my followers despite it being a very small number) and this award is an awesome idea to bring those who are new into blogging some interest in their blog as maintaining a blog is actually very hard work! 

The rules:
  • Nominees must answer 11 questions asked by the blogger that nominated them.
  • You need to choose 11 blogs with under 200 followers to pass the award onto and let them know you've nominated them by commenting on their blog.
  • Come up with 11 new questions for them to answer. 

So Alanna wrote 11 questions for me to answer:

What's your favourite nail varnish?
My 17, lasting fix nail polish called 'Mini skirt' which is a lovely white and I love the contrast with my skin.

What product could you not live without?
Eyeliner! I wear it everyday unless I'm in a rush and then I hate my eyes for the rest of the day! I use the collection 2000 one which is super cheap but works so well :)

What is in your bag?
My bag is generally a mess BUT I bought a new handbag yesterday and have actually sorted it out so in my super clean handbag I have, my ipod nano and headphones, purse, two oyster cards (not sure why I have two), pocket mirror, my filofax which I loveee so much, my phone would usually be in my bag but obviously it's not right now, a couple of pens, my keys, cherry airwaves, my inhalers (damn asthma), some makeup bits :)

Who is your style icon and why?
Alexa Chung which is pretty cliche I suppose but I love her style and how she pairs items and I love dungarees just as much as she does!

What made you start a blog?
Well I've always been into fashion and I shop A LOT, a friend suggested it to me last year and I just didn't think I had the time but when my friend Sophie started one I thought I would give it a shot :)

Who is your favourite blogger and why?
I love LeHappy and TheLondonLipgloss, both because they have their own style and look absolutely amazing! And I love reading about what they get up to :)

Describe yourself in 5 words
I asked my housemates to describe me so kind of cheated: vibrant, scouse, loud, short and caring.. not sure how to take those.

What is on your beauty or fashion wish list?
vivienne westwood chancery bag!!!!

Where is your favourite place in the world and why?
I have no idea, I have so many places I love, in London it would have to be Hampstead Heath and Trafalgar Square, everywhere else I'm not sure!

What do your friends and family think of your blog?
They think it's a good idea apart from it fuelling my shopping addiction further!

What was the last beauty product you bought?
I bought dry shampoo and hair bleach today :)

The bloggers I have nominated are:

My questions for them are:

1. How would you describe your style?
2. Which fashion designers do you love and why?
3. What is your favourite disney movie?
4. Tell me an interesting fact about yourself

5. If you were going to spend the day with me what would we do ?
6. Your idol, doesn't have to be fashion related

7. What is your best memory?
8. What beauty item could you not live without?
9. What is something you wish your younger self had known?
10. If you could buy any item in the world what would it be?
11. What makes you happiest :)?

Hope you enjoy answering the questions! Lots of love, Toni x


  1. Thankyou so much for the nomination, your blog is so lovely :) I have already done the liebster award, but would love to answer your questions anyway (they are really good ones btw!)
    1. Hints of grunge, boyish, a tidge of girly thrown in and a whole lot of random
    2. Couldn't possibly choose!

    Much love, following x
    3. Tangled
    4. I can turn my feet backwards? Is that interesting haha
    5. Shopping! Sound good? :D
    6. Cara Delevingne, or Fleur de Force
    7. What is your best memory?
    8. My Topshop lipstick in Inhibition
    9. Forgive and forget
    10. A racing green classic mini
    11. A cuddle with my dog

  2. ^^^^middle bit was meant to be at the end haha sorry!
