Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Polka dots and Olympic fever!

I have had such a busy week with placement and trying to get my house packed up before I move to Finland that I completely forgot to write about my amazing weekend! My lovely boyfriend came to stay in London for the weekend and on Sunday we had a picnic and played PlayStation and watched films and just generally had a lazy day after all the excitement we had on Saturday at the anniversary games for the Olympics! We managed to get tickets on Saturday morning so we had a mad rush to get to Waterloo to pick up the tickets and then a mad rush again to Stratford to get to the Olympic park but it was so worth it! We saw Jessica Ennis and her amazing bum :) Mo Farah winning the 3000m which was unreal and Craig took a video of us both screaming and cheering, it's pretty embarrassing! And we saw the legendary Usain bolt right infront of us warming up for the 4x100m relay! I had such a fun time even though it made me miss the olympics even more...

Dress - Dahlia, Oxford street Topshop
Shoes - JuJu Jellies via Charity shop
Satchel bag - Primark

I got this dress last year for my birthday and I love it, it makes me feel like i'm going somewhere special when I wear it as the material is so lovely! I love Dahlia, their clothes are so prettttty :) My shoes were an absolute bargain, I was browsing a charity shop last week and came across these beauties still with tags on brand new for just £6, I've wanted JuJus for ages but never got round to buying them and I'm glad I didn't, they're really cosy too :) My bag is just a little satchel from primark but it is very roomy and fits in everything really well as it has two sections so perfect for me :) love the colour too! 

Lots of love, Toni x


  1. ah i really need to go to the olympic park, i was gutted i couldn't get any tickets last year! love the jujus you got them at such a bargainous price

    1. It's amazing, you should definetley go at some point :D I know, I was so happy! x

  2. that dress is gorgeous!

  3. I have this dress too! You look lovely in it, looks much better on you than on me -really suits you x

    1. I'm sure it looks amazing on you :) Thank you so much!

  4. love the dress... x

  5. Such a cutie pie.
    Jealous of your jujus.
    I've tagged you in a post.

  6. Love your outfit, and sooo jealous of your charity shop find shoes, they are actual amazing!!

    I’ve given my blog a bit of a redesign, please come and check it out if you have a chance and let me know what you think!.



    1. Thankyou and I know, such a bargain!
      I will check it out now :) x

  7. I am loving your Jujus , they just look so comfortable.
    If you want we can follow each other via GFC & Bloglovin , let me know.

