Saturday, 15 June 2013

Outfit of the day

Hello! I haven't posted in a while, I have been so busy with university, at the moment I'm working in A&E and I love it :D On Wednesday I met up with my lovely friend Sophie and we went to all the touristy spots in London and had a nice walk :) Then I went to see Ben Howard with my friend Andrew who I have missed lots! Ben howard was amazing, if you haven't heard of him have a little listen on youtube, you will loveee him :) Anyway my outfit was a lazy one because the weather was a bit rubbish but I'll post it anyway :)

Pink cropped blouse - Primark
Lee cooper boyfriend style jeans - Thrift store
Creeper style shoes - Miss Selfridge via Ebay
Cardigan - Thrift store

I love charity shops because I always manage to find amazing things and all the money goes to charity, it's a win win situation! I will do a thrift shop haul post soon because I got lots of lovely clothes :) My hair looks terrible on these photos, made me realise that I really need to dye it - oops! I hope everybody is having a lovely week! Anybody else been to any concerts recently?


  1. how I miss London! You look adorable, love everything about your outfit c:

    Have a great day!

  2. I love charity shops too! They're so awesome :D you look super pretty here, I think this outfit is amazing, I certainly don't think I could carry the same thing off as well! Love your ombre hair :) Thank you so so much for commenting on my blog by the way lovely xx

    1. Thankyou so much :) I'm sure you would be able too! xx

  3. thanks for the comment on my blog. i really like your jeans! :)

    1. you're welcome! and thanks they were such a bargain :D i follow you on tumblr too! x

  4. You can't beat a good root around a charity shop. I love your jeans, they are so 90s looking.



    1. Thanks Hayley!
      Have a lovely evening :)
