Tuesday, 13 August 2013


So Sophie tagged me in this firsts post and I thought it would be pretty fun to do :)

The Rules:
  • You must share the following firsts and give the story or the context behind them. 
  • You must Tag 10 other bloggers to do to the tag. 
  • No tag backs
First Best Friend - 
My first best friend was a boy called Nicholas in nursery and I used to call him 'doh' because he loved the Simpsons and Homer simpson and then one day I came home and said to my mum 'I've been making babies with dough (Playdough)' And she almost had a heart attack... 

First Kiss -
Hmm, my first proper kiss was near a little bridge near my house with my boyfriend at the time, when I was in year seven or eight .. it wasn't great but who's first kiss ever is?

First Concert -
My first concert was My chemical romance at the Manchester evening news arena on their black parade tour.. I was super cool in high school apparently.

First Celebrity Crush -
I have no idea actually! I'd have to ask my mum, I'm going to guess at every member of boyzone and backstreet boys, I was obsessed!

First Word - 
Again, I have no idea, I wish I knew, just texted my mum so I'll find out soon! 

First Pet - 
A bunny rabbit called polly, she was super cute :)

First Job - 
A paper round that I got paid £8 for and it took me about 3 hours every Friday evening, not to mention the time it took to put leaflets in each individual newspaper, worst job ever! I used to hate going to the houses with dogs and one time loads of kids stole my paper trolley, nightmare.

First Phone - 
I think my first phone was a Motorola and I got it for Christmas when I was starting high school

First Tweet - 
If I can remember I think it was something about going to the gym with my friend Peter.

First Make-Up - 
I have no idea, I assume some sort of lipgloss or eyeshadow, I didn't really start wearing makeup til about year ten! I was a tomboy until then ...


Helen - lovecatsinc
Jemimah - exitwonds
Mary - marylee31
Laura - heroineinheels
Michelle - thoushaltnotcovet
Jade - pintsizepixie
Fifi - fifimcgee

Hope you enjoyed my post! Let me know when you do yours, I'd love to read your answers! 

Toni x

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I've never heard of this tag before :) thank you for tagging me sweetie xx
