Friday, 24 May 2013

Hello everybody!
I'm not going to start with an about me post, I might post a 50 things you should know about me one day in the next week but I'm just going to jump straight into blogging :D
Today my friend Sophie who runs darlingsophie told me I should start a blog so I am :)
I got back from Portugal yesterday, the weather was rubbish but I still managed to have a lovely time and here are some of the outfits I wore whilst I was away!

This was the first day that I arrived, we were heading to the beach so I just wanted something casual to throw on over my bikini, the dress is from Matalan clearance store and I got it for just £5, you'll soon realise that I love a bargain! My hat and bag are both from primark and I love them both! 

I thought this outfit was a little too much black however I suppose my hair makes up for it - kind of! Here I'm wearing disco pants - not the American Apparel ones, I wish I could afford them these are dupes and I'm unsure of the exact website as they were a christmas present but lots of places do good ones now for quite good prices :) My top is from primark bought sometime last year and my shoes were 50 pence, yes 50 pence from a carboot sale in my hometown!

I love this dress! I bought it at London fashion week last year from one of the little boutiques and it's perfect for summer, you can't really tell on the photo but the collar is floral too! It's so cute paired with a denim jacket and sandals :)

I've wanted a skirt like this for ages but have never got round to buying one and a few weeks ago I tried on this one from H n M and it fitted perfectly so I had to buy it - of course. My lace crop top is from Primark and I've had a lot of compliments on it as Topshop are selling a similar one at the moment for about ten pounds more expensive... And again my 50p wedges.

Before this photo was took there was torrential downpour which you wouldn't believe from looking at the sky! I got my dress for 99p from Ebay and although it's a little big it's such a lovely design, I love halterneck dresses.

Well that's my first post! I'm going to aim to write at least twice a week so you'll hear from me soon :)

Toni x


  1. lovely outfits, lovely price tag :)

  2. Awww Toni! Really cute.

  3. You are such a darling. <3 I like all of these looks, but the red dress is my absolute favorite! It rocks! Also, I adore that polka dot canvas bag! I soooo need something like that. Ugh. Hehe. I recently bought a canvas back with bicycle print. It hasn't arrived, yet, but I know I will wear it pretty much every day. :D~

    Oh and thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! You're welcome back anytime, my dear! I shall follow you on Bloglovin'! <3

    - Anna

    1. What the hell is a canvas back? Seriously. I meant "canvas bag" Haha. I suck at typing today. Well, I just ran 5 miles, so maybe I should rest instead of using the computer?

    2. Thankyou for your lovely comment! Have a nice day xxx
